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Spring League

Spring Schedule

Spring Schedule:

  • March 16th - Regular Season Practices begin
  • March 23rd/24th - Opening Weekend of Games
  • March 30th/31st - No Games
  • May 18th/19th - Playoff games for all divisions
  • May 25th/26th - Memorial Day Weekend, Season has concluded

As practice & game schedules are released, announcements will be emailed and the website will be updated.


a Player's Age Bracket eligibility Is determined by his or her birthdate according to USA Lacrosse guidelines.  please visit the Usa lacrosse link below for more information:


USA Lacrosse age chart











Evaluation Dates

Hello Dulles South Parents,

We are excited to kick off the Spring 2025 Program with our  pre-season evaluations and equipment  (BOYS Only) handout. Evaluations will be held starting with age groups 8U (boys) and 3/4 (girls) and up, in order to form teams that ensure competitive games with other NVYLL member programs.

Evaluation Schedules:


Sunday, February 2 - 12:00 to 4:00pm - Independence HS

  • 3rd/4th Grade 
  • 7th/8th Grade
  • 5th/6th Grade


Sunday, February 2nd - 12:00pm to 4:00pm - Independence HS

  • 8U
  • 10U 
  • 12U
  • 14U

Equipment Handout (Boys)

Location: Self Storage Plus 

  • TBD
Are evaluations mandatory?

While not mandatory, each player is encouraged to attend the evaluation session(s). It is a great chance to get more practice in and allows all of our coaches more opportunity to evaluate each player.

Evaluation Volunteers

We need help with equipment handout, registering players when they arrive, as well as assisting with the evaluations. Please consider assisting us  - we can always use more help and it will get the players on the fields faster. If you can help out please reach out to 


Full lacrosse gear is required for all evaluations. If possible, please bring a reversible, we will have some on hand if you do not have one.

Arrival Time

Plan to arrive 15-25 minutes before evaluations start to allow for check-in and time to get geared up and ready to go.

Inclement Weather

We will communicate with you if there is a change due to bad weather.  If you do not hear from us, we are a go. We will provide as much notice as possible.


Please consider volunteering! The more parents we have assisting in managing the players, the more productive practices, games, and evaluations will be. No lacrosse experience is necessary - just some time and patience!

Register to be a coach here

There are no evaluations for players in Scoopers or Girls Grades 1-2.

Details on the team placements will be provided at a later date.